
Welcome to our Garden

The Urban Ladybug features stories from a Midwest family attempting to stay as organic and natural as possible. Our goal is to not just garden as a hobby, but garden for survival. Buying organic in the grocery isn’t enough, nor is it cost effective for most families. That’s why we decided the only way to break free of the unhealthy or expensive options and go back to the root of all humanity – gathering and growing our own food.

For too many years we’ve relied on big box stores and grocery chains to deliver meals that lack nutrition, blindly believing the corporations and government that what they sell us is “safe”. Well, it’s not safe or sustainable. We as a society can do better, for ourselves AND the planet we call home. It starts in our own backyards (or sunny window, as the case may be).

Even though we are a natural family, our neighbors are not. Surrounded by neighbors that treat their yards with chemicals, we create an urban oasis free of pesticides, herbicides, and chemically treated turf. We start with non-GMO, heirloom, or organic plants and seeds to create a sustainable garden and home cooked meals without the use of chemicals or additives. Our goal is to be truly free of big corporation, as WE are the only ones with our best interests in mind.

Outdoor Garden Stories
Top 3 Gardening Tools
Growing Boston Pickling Cucumbers
Something Different: Amaranth 
– The Great Wall of Morning Glories (coming soon)

Indoor Gardening Stories
Gardening with Cats: Growing Cat Grass
A Challenge: Container Strawberries
My Favorite Kitchen Herb: Purple Basil
Slow Growing Roman Chamomile

In the Kitchen

Stories coming soon!

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